Passata 375ml
Passata is just a fancy name for our delicious pasta sauce, made from roma tomatoes. We only use ripe tomatoes so that the colour is vibrant and the taste rounded and sweet. The tomatoes are roasted, pureed and seasoning added together with fresh Italian herbs only. No colourants, no stabilisers, no preservatives added. Use on pizza bases, in lasagne, over pasta, with eggs. Very versatile. Refrigerate after opening and use within a week of opening.
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1 review for Passata 375ml
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TommyF –
I’ve used this, or should I say mis-used it, all in a question of a couple of days! Awesome product!
Adri Henn –
Thank you TommyF, next time get a pasta from my homemade stock, it cooks in about 2 minutes and the two go together like a hunger that demands to be satisfied and a meal that is ready in about 5 minutes! Just add cheese 🙂